Items recovered during the tactics sections fuel scientific research in the simulation mode, and technological breakthroughs in the strategic section enhance the abilities of squad members during the tactical portions of the game.Difficulty Options New players should probably accept the Normal difficulty, which is plenty difficult. Scenarios include counteracting alien abduction attempts, searching crashed UFOs, rescuing civilians, and assaulting various ET installations.The strategic operations game requires the player to manage the XCOM base, b, balancing a budget, and weapons and program.The two modes operate interdependently. Players control squads of four to six soldiers engaging. Page Tools.Welcome to the XCOM: Enemy Unknown Starter Guide! This page contains everything you need to know to get started playing XCOM and should help introduce the many in-depth sections of the XCOM: Enemy Unknown Wiki in the order they are presented in the first stages of the game.Description of XCOM: Enemy Unknown XCOM is a turn-based squad tactical strategy game fused with a real-time strategic operations simulator.The tactical game takes place on a variety of small battlefields.